Workpower Presents: Jeremy, The Brave!
With his infectious energy and can-do attitude, there's no challenge too big for Jeremy!
Meet Jeremy, the ultimate administration whiz at Garden Island’s Defence Administrative Assistance Program (DAAP).
Jeremy has been an Administration Assistant at DAAP for five years, working with his team amongst the passing Navy ships and vessels.
Jeremy's morning consists of reception duties, scanning documents, record archiving and shredding documents.
Alongside his team, Jeremy occasionally helps out at the site library, by sorting out the books and putting them away.
But, beyond his practical talents, Jeremy's true superpower Workpower is his customer service skills!
He guides people to different areas around the office building and lends a hand at the fortnightly staff barbeque.
“At the barbeque, Jeremy serves up the sausages and the burger meat. There is a clean up involved too, but, Jeremy’s thing is customer service!” Caitlin, Jeremy’s Support Coach shared.
It comes as no surprise that Jeremy said his favourite thing at work is talking to people and helping them out.
“I like the variety of work and variety in the team. I like getting to do different jobs so I am not doing the same jobs all the time.” He said.
When asked about his future plans, Jeremy told us, “I love my work, I really love it and I’m not going to change jobs!”
So, for those considering joining Workpower’s administration team, Jeremy has one simple piece of advice, “Go for it! I have learnt a lot about security and made lots of friends at work - I love it! I love meeting everybody.”
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